Find a quality conveyancer

Conveyancing is broken, but here’s the fix. When the legal speak and process become overwhelming, find a Rello conveyancer to support you through the stress.

Technology assisting UK estate agents and property businesses in sales progression and conveyancing tasks. | Image: Home buyers and Rello estate agent app demo
Online estate agent software for sales progression in the UK | Image: broker conveyancing icon for Rello estate agent app

Quality conveyancers

Our conveyancers are great value, contactable, work hard and use the latest technology.

Good reviews are non-negotiable. Find a conveyancer whose priority is your move.

Digital solution optimising sales progression and conveyancing for UK estate agents | Image: broker conveyancing icon for Rello estate agent app

Dedicated sales progressor

Your dedicated sales progressor is waiting to guide you through the home moving process, no legal speak, just a helpful human determined to get you into your new home.

Estate agent software to speed u sales progression in the UK | Image: estate agent app icon for Rello

Add on sales progression

Use our app to see the full chain on your property, get real time updates for where all other buyers are at. Lock in exchange dates as soon as possible.

Common problems we’re solving

“The Estate Agent I am buying through can’t tell me how long the chain is or what position the top are in, I am so frustrated as I cannot get an indication of time scales without knowing who and what is involved.”


 Rello gathered all the details to build the full chain, they found out when draft contracts would be issued, and who was waiting on mortgages or other factors that could affect timescales.

Visual representation of online estate agent software facilitating sales and conveyancing processes. | Image: Rello estate agent app graphic reads "move faster"
personal estate agent using Rello's sales progression app and services to satisfy home buyers in the UK | Image: Young home buyers embrace after completing their home purchase.

Conveyancing questions answered

Q. Do I need to hire a local conveyancer?

A. No, because of technology you don’t need to physically be with your conveyancer which gives you a lot more options.

Q. How long does conveyancing take?

A. On average, 5 months right now, which is why you need to pay attention to the conveyancer you choose. They are not all the same. Using Rello Sales Progression speeds the process up, information is shared between solicitors, estate agents, mortgage brokers and buyers, so problems can be identified that your property PA can help fix.

Meet one of our sales progressors

Online estate agent app | Image: move progressor for Rello estate agent app

Kylie Tucker

Highly experienced New Build and Estate Agency pipeline & Sales Progression manager of over 25 years – lover of all things property, Formula 1 and Rugby League!

Optimising property transactions through advanced online estate agent software, emphasizing sales progression and online conveyancing.

Founded by experts from the property industry who are tired of how long the home moving process was taking. Our mission is to solve the problems of home movers to get you into your new home faster.