Cost-Effective Solution

100s 0f Happy Estate Agents

Expert Team Support

No Sale, No Fee Guarantee

Rated 4.9/5 by 100s of happy Estate Agents

More sales, More Quickly, with Rello Sales Progression

Your job is to drive sales, not get side-tracked by progression tasks.
Put simple, we’re here to support your success.

  • Dramatically reduce your time to exchange
  • You get full access to an experienced sales progression team
  • Satisfied customers who feel supported means more sales for you

Our 24/7 Live Chain Insights remove the need for time-consuming calls, meetings and avoidable misunderstandings. Reduce completion times by up to 20%.

Facilitating the real estate journey with cutting-edge online estate agent software, emphasizing sales progression and efficient online conveyancing.
Rello estate agent dashboard showing live chain views

“Since partnering with Rello they’ve freed me from routine admin, and reduced chain queries…I’ve also reduced my offer to exchange time from 12 to 10 weeks!”

Katy Branch Partner, Urban & Rural

Make a bigger financial impact in 3 simple steps

We won’t waste your time, in fact, we do the opposite.


Fill out a short form

We only need a few details from you to get started.


We’ll be in touch with you

One of our team will contact you right away to discuss how we can support you.


Sell faster, stress less

We’ll help you streamline your sales to maximize your financial impact.

Don’t Follow The Market. Set The Pace. 

Rello is changing the way property transactions work with faster sales, real-time updates and higher customer satisfaction. It’s time to stop adapting to market changes and start leading the way.

We take our fee as part of the conveyancing costs to consumers, making it FREE for you. If you want our Sales Progression services alone just contact the team for a no sale, no fee guarantee.

“Rello has saved us two days a week at busy times. The Rello portal has been invaluable to differentiate the Urban & Rural difference.”

Darren Thompson, owner of multi-branch estate agency in Bedfordshire, Urban & Rural, pictured in gray vest, blue tie, and white button-up shirt

– Darren Thomson, Owner of Urban & Rural 

Streamlined sales progression tools for estate agents by Rello

Here’s What You Get With Our End-To-End Sales Progression Service

It’s time to unlock your estate agency’s full potential.

3 conveyancing steps screenshot

Faster Transactions

Dramatically reduce your time to exchange. Your buyers and sellers will always be thrilled to be ahead of schedule.

  • Reduces completion time by up to 29 days
  • Happier customers means more 5-star reviews
  • Reduce your operational costs
User friendly icon

Live Information, Easily Understood

We offer a 24/7 live chain view offering complete transparency for buyers and sellers, reducing your need to give constant updates.

  • Reduced number of calls, meetings and misunderstandings
  • Customers feel supported throughout 
  • Saves time for you, to focus on what you do best
Customer satisfaction tracking interface for estate agents
Rello tools for faster property transactions
expert-team-support icon

Expert Team Support 

You get access to an experienced sales progression team, dedicated to tackling delays before they happen.

  • Cost-effective, well-equipped progression team
  • Dedicated team for clients and customers’ progression concerns
  • Reduces stress for all parties, leading to higher satisfaction
Cost effective solution icon

Cost Savings

By streamlining sales progression, we free up your time to focus on sales and increase your financial impact.

  • With our conveyancing service, you effectively get our progression services free
  • Allows you and your agents to focus on sales
  • We offer a no sale, no fee guarantee
online estate agent software
Enhanced communication tools for estate agents

Rated 4.9/5 by 100s of happy Estate Agents

Here’s How Our Services Drive Your Success

Our range of sales progression services are here to support you.

24/7 icon

24/7 Live Chain Access

Transparent, real-time updates for buyers and sellers

No sale no fee icon

No Sale, No Fee Guarantee

If there’s no sale, we won’t charge you.

Expert Team Support

An experienced team, dedicated to sales progression.

Efficient time saving icon

Efficient, Time-Saving Process

We can help you dramatically reduce the time to exchange

Cost effective solution icon

Cost Effective Solution

You get to focus on sales and increase your financial impact

User friendly icon

User-Friendly Navigation

Minimal set-up, easy to understand,

Here’s What Other Estate Agents Are Saying About Us

Rated 4.9/5 by 100s of happy Estate Agents

Optimising property transactions through advanced online estate agent software, emphasizing sales progression and online conveyancing.

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve got you covered!

Rello delivers a sales progression service that’s more effective and efficient than anything you could do yourselves. We measure success by better completion rates and faster times to exchange, both of which we monitor constantly. The scope of our service, therefore, focuses on those activities most effective at achieving this.

The scope of our service includes:

  1. Continuously gathering information about a transaction and other transactions in the chain is necessary to assess progress and estimate when exchange and completion are likely to happen. We don’t currently estimate likely exchange dates on the chain view platform.
  2. Performing activities such as contacting, inquiring, informing, prompting, persuading, and chasing
    other parties to progress the transaction to exchange as quickly as possible.
  3. Sharing progress information with you, your client, and, to an extent, other parties in the chain via a constantly available, digital dashboard that is clear and easy to interpret.
  4. Updating the digital dashboard as soon as new information is available (typically multiple times per week).
  5. Ensuring your client is fully aware of how to access the digital dashboard and sending them weekly reminders to do so. For those clients unable to access the digital dashboard, we offer an alternative form of weekly update, such as an email or phone call.
  6. Responding to queries from you, your client, and any party relating to the progress information we provide.

The Rello Sales Progression service is designed to enhance your relationship with your client, not detract from it. We will contact your client solely to obtain information, share progress updates, and prompt them to act when needed.

  • Faster transactions– Fewer delays caused by lack of information. Visibility of what each party in the chain is waiting for. Problems highlighted early on, so they can be fixed.
  • Transactions more likely to complete – Fewer delays caused by lack of information. Problems highlighted early on, so they can be fixed.
  • Reduced stress & anxiety – Full visibility of the situation with all parties across the entire chain.
  • A substitute (or supplement) for in-house sales progression– Saves time, potentially hours per day.
  • Time saved chasing other parties for updates – We save agents a day a week. Fewer calls & queries from other parties chasing information.
  • Realistic foresight of exchange and completion timings – Enables you to see the earliest possible exchange date for each party.
  • The Rello team ‘pushing’ the chain – Requesting updates, troubleshooting & chasing problems until they’re resolved.
  • Support from the Rello team – Experienced sales progressors with an agency background. Guide clients through the process. A central source of information with an authoritative view of the whole chain.
  • Less hassle agreeing on exchange & completion dates – A significant pain point for both lawyers and estate agents.
  • Save money – Get sales progression for free when using our conveyancing.
  • Increased revenue – Conveyancing referral fees.
  • Win more instructions using Rello as your USP.
  • Access to Rello’s exclusive lawyers– Individuals we speak to every day, who we have a relationship with, and who care.

We share progress information with you, your client, and other parties in the chain via a constantly available, digital dashboard that is clear and easy to interpret. We ensure your client is fully aware of how to access the digital dashboard and send them weekly reminders to do so. For those clients unable to access the digital dashboard, we offer an alternative form of weekly update, such as an email or phone call.

We constantly monitor completion rates and time to exchange. These stats are available to you via our portal. We are continuously improving our service, pushing completion rates as high as possible and time to certainty (exchange) as low as possible.

By using Rello conveyancing, you can get free sales progression and even earn a referral commission.

Real-time updates for estate agents using Rello

Rated 4.9/5 by 100s of happy Estate Agents

No Sale. No Fee.
Try Rello Risk-Free Today

Faster sales progression that can cut your time to exchange by up to 20%.

  • Dramatically reduce your time to exchange
  • Get access to dedicated sales progression team
  • Huge improvements to customer satisfaction

Our 24/7 Live Chain Insights remove the need for time consuming calls, meetings and avoidable misunderstandings. Giving you the time to focus on sales.

“Rello has saved us two days a week at busy times. The Rello portal has been invaluable to differentiate the Urban & Rural difference.”

Owner of multi-branch estate agency in Bedfordshire, Urban & Rural, Darren Thompson is pictured in gray vest, blue tie, and white button-up shirt

– Darren Thomson, Owner of Urban & Rural 

Home Movers

If you are a home mover looking to use Rello to ensure maximum efficiency for your home move, we can manage the sales progression of your sale.