Introducing Rello for Home Movers

How Rello can help you

Home moving is one of life’s most stressful experiences, but it doesn’t have to be. If you choose to move using Rello, you’ll have more control of your move, access to chain information and a team of move progressors whose job it is to problem solve and manage your chain, to get you into your new home faster.

A third of transactions fall through, but not if you have the right team working for you. Rello Move Progressors are expert conveyancing problem solvers, they’ll take on the responsibility to manage and fix your issues, which means your move will happen sooner and with less stress.

Rello home movers dashboard showing real-time updates
Seamless chain management tool for home movers by Rello

Rello Move Progression

Why it works:

Rello takes responsibility for your moving chain, they communicate with everyone in the chain, learn where they are at in the process and communicate all this information back to you.

You’ll get upates as soon as searches are done, mortgage offers received, surveys are in and people are ready to exchange, all without you having to pick up the phone.

A Rello Quality Conveyancer

To become a quality conveyancer, conveyancers need to have a combination of experience, a low case load and a named contact committed to providing excellent service.

On top of this you’ll get access to Move Progression included to give you super powered conveyancing.

Conveyancing support interface for home movers with Rello